I know, I know I've been gone for quite awhile. Well, I'm back and I plan to pick up where I left off. I've been doing sort of a retake on John Eldredge's book "Desire". Here you'll be able to see my own dialogue with the book as I journey through. I hope to be able to bring a little more illumination to the importance of desire in our lives.
Growing up, I used to enjoy Sundays when my mom and dad would take my brother and me to my Grandma's house for Sunday dinner. Every week it was like a small family reunion as aunts, uncles, and cousins would enjoy the meal together. My Grandma lived out in the country with no signs of the city within a ten mile radius. It was a little boy's dream.
After dinner, all the adults would talk, watch Sunday football, and nap while the young ones would go and try to find some sort of mischief to get into. We had plenty of opportunities. We had trees to climb and woods to explore. There were tractors to pretend with and dried up wells to play in. Introduce some small firecrackers and BB guns, and the fun tripled. Even now as I write there is a flutter within that desperately wants to go back to the way things were. (Is there a place in your past that you would like to go back to?)
My how we try to hold on to the past. Some will work to recreate it. They get into activities that would in some way regenerate their past feelings of joy. Others will choose the path of reminiscing by holding onto childhood memorabilia, no matter how insignificant. Ever wonder how cameras and scrap booking got to be so popular? We're afraid of these moments fading away into oblivion. "Our losses seem to say that the life we prize will never be ours, never come to stay."(Eldredge, Desire, p. 6)